SiteBrokr uses your inputs and compares data to 1000’s of similar sites that have sold on SiteBrokr. We look at business model, category, age and many other factors.
We also consider how many buyers are interested in sites like yours.
SiteBrokr has more historical sales data than anyone else. If the information you provide is accurate, your SiteBrokr valuation will be a good indicator of price.
No waiting around! You will receive your valuation instantly. You will also be able to save and share your valuation.
SiteBrokr’s marketplace integrity team plus sophisticated fraud prevention tools are in place to protect both buyer and seller.
Flippa’s VIP Program offers a dedicated team working with you to fully customise your listing, handpicked buyer-matching, fully-fledged marketing feature and unlimited support throughout the whole process. All at an extremely low preferential pricing.
Talk to VIP TeamListing fees start from $9.
You can also choose to upgrade and get access to enhanced reach and key services to support you through the sales process.
SiteBrokr also charges a success fee and this starts from 5%.
Sites, SaaS, ecommerce and amazon stores, apps, domains, social media accounts and online businesses.
If it has a URL you can sell it.
The average time to sell is one month however higher value deals may take much longer.
There are many factors that go into a sale and these factors will impact the time it takes to sell. We recommend sellers have all financial and operational detail on hand when preparing to sell plus it is important to recognise that factors such as uniqueness, performance, business model, competition, and asking price will all impact the speed of sale.
SiteBrokr provides a guide price and valuation through the listing process.
This takes into consideration the operational and financial performance of your asset / online business as well as factors like age, business model, industry and buyer demand.
The SiteBrokr marketplace experience relies on there being trust between buyer and seller. Accuracy and integrity is paramount.
We ask that you can verify all information and SiteBrokr reserves the right to remove any listing or cancel any sale where information and / or data cannot be verified.