Site Rules

Your SiteBrokr account – the golden rules

  • You may operate multiple accounts on SiteBrokr so long as you only have one account for personal use and one account for business use.
  • You may not attempt to bypass SiteBrokr by sending private offers to users
  • Bids and offers you make must be a genuine intention to buy
  • You may not use the comments facility for the purpose of self-promotion or abuse

Selling on SiteBrokr– the golden rules

  • You must have the RIGHT to sell the property
  • You must back up any claims of revenue or traffic with evidence
  • When an auction is listed on SiteBrokr, it must not be listed for sale anywhere else
  • NO Shill bidding. This means YOU or an intermediary may not bid on your own listing.
  • You must not intentionally hide information from public view
  • You must not copy another Sellers listing word-for-word
  • You must have the rights to the template in order resell it on SiteBrokr

Specifically, websites you’re selling:

  • Must include all Website source files, Domain and any other related assets
  • Must use the date when the site in its current form was published, as the Site Established Date (not the domain age)
  • Must not contain Adult content
  • Must not sell or promote the sale of weapons, imitation weapons, and weapon accessories.
  • Must comply with copyright and trademark laws
  • Overall, it must be legal and not breaking any criminal laws!

We have a zero-tolerance policy to any of the above infractions and breaking these can have serious implications to both your listing and your user account. Listings breaching any rules may be corrected, suspended or removed. Listing fees will be refunded as required by Australian law, and beyond that at SiteBrokr’s discretion.