SiteBrokr has more historical sales data than anyone else. If the information you provide is accurate, your SiteBrokr valuation will be a good indicator of price.
No waiting around, you get your valuation instantly. You are also able to save and share your valuation!
We know that selling a business is a big decision and that the sales process can be costly. If you find a competing, comparable platform is offering a lower success fee on the sale of your business, we will not just match it, but beat it by 1%.
No. SiteBrokr’s broker network operates in partnership with Flippa so we cannot dictate a guarantee on their behalf. Our guarantee does not apply to our external broker partnerships.
No. It applies to success fees only.
No. Classified and directory sites are advertising platform and do not compete or compare with SiteBrokr.
Prior to listing your business, please email us at [email protected]. You will need to provide details of the quote received and documentation which supports it. For example, marketing materials or email correspondence.
* We are unable to match a no/zero success fee policy.